Ontario Special Constable Association


Special Constables Need Your Help

Special Constables Need Your Help

Like all employees, Ontario Special Constables deserve to be safe in their workplaces. They need to have the highest standards of uniform, equipment, equality, and a code of conduct process to allow them to serve their communities confidently, securely, and effectively. 

We believe that the proposed Special Constable regulations can and must be better. 

There is limited time to change the Special Constable regulations, but together we can lobby our Government partners and explain to them why amending these regulations is so important to the Special Constables and communities of Ontario.

To show you share our concerns we just ask for you to do the following:

  • Understand our position.
  • Sign the petition.
  • Share the website.

If you are a serving Special Constable we also ask that you contact your union or representative staff association to request that they join the lobbying efforts to change the Special Constable regulations and to ensure your safety. 

We are stronger and safer working together.

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Ontario Special Constable Association

OSCA are working hard at all levels to represent the interests of Ontario Special Constables.

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Ontario Special Constable Association

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